A good reason

It is hard for me to follow news here and there. So instead of open every single site i want to check on reddit, on google news or on Linux Insider i turn to the Newsticker. I found it quite efficient to start off. Although i had to find all the links which i am interesting in manually and add them one by one. And mainly the post it is about this. Using https://rss.app Bad news you need a google or twitter account.

Create customized RSS feed

We have to go to https://rss.app/new-rss-feed which provides us with a RSS feed generator

RSS generator

Now lets say you want to get the world news from google. In such case you can visit the https://news.google.com/ select the topic, that World in our case and copy the url. Go back to the rss.app/new-rss-feed and select Google. Redirects to https://rss.app/new-rss-feed/google-news-rss-feed where you can paste the copied address. That will generate a url like https://rss.app/feeds/lpT1vyfmcOC7SI9L.xml.

From here we can open newsticker on emacs and press a to add the rss link to the list. Give a name and press g or G to fetch the news.

Finding other rss feeds

I have added a few others which i know serve the open source community with interesting articles. I found them here

Using the rss.app we can easily get a rss link for reddit, twitter, cnn and others.

But this is one way. Propably eveyone recognise the rss symbol. That s the obvious way.

Then there are some tricks. like check the source code in the web page, and /feeds/ at the end of a blog and use some browser’s plugins. In you are looking for some particular platform, you may want to check the help links. for instance


[1] https://www.howtogeek.com/320264/how-to-get-an-rss-feed-for-any-subreddit/ [2] https://gist.github.com/thefranke/63853a6f8c499dc97bc17838f6cedcc2 [3] https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_mono/newsticker.html#Reading-News [4] https://www.streamingmediablog.com/2007/08/list-of-rss-fee.html [5] https://www.reddit.com/r/pathogendavid/comments/tv8m9/pathogendavids_guide_to_rss_and_reddit/